About Us
Assessments of the Southwest, Inc.
Our office is staffed with well-trained people of supreme integrity and service records. Each of our company representatives are registered with Texas State Comptroller and are registered Texas Assessors/Collectors. We are a mid-sized firm in our industry which allows us to give our clients individual attention at the highest professional level.
ASW has been in operation since 1977, representing approximately 160 special districts of various sizes throughout the Houston Metropolitan Area. Our clientele range from less than 100 accounts to a large master planned community in excess of 10,000 accounts in multiple taxing authorities.
ASW processes its client’s data on a highly configurable SQL database with many query options available to our clients and consultants. ASW also incorporates the latest in scanning and bar code readers for faster processing. This allows for easier access to any information so we can quickly and effectively assist our customers.
Each staff member works in a complete personal computer workstation with direct access to our Microsoft Server and the Internet sites of appraisal districts and state agencies.